Oh thanks God I can sign in to Blog!! I don't know what the hell is happening, but either my laptop or my Internet connection won't let me to open Facebook, nor Twitter, nor Looklet, nor signing me in to MSN! Imagine it, huh? So, here I am blabbering back to you guys who care enough to open my blog. 1:29am now, with Feeling Sorry by Paramore on Now Playing. Let's see what can we do now. Hmm..
This is a big issue lately around my school. Since I'm on the 11th grade and getting closer to University/College, we are very concerned about which path which will led us to the best future. Sure, we all want a good, easy and happy future, but there's nothing that good in this life. Back to the path, some of my friends are still confused and have no idea what they should take. Advices like, "Follow your heart" or "What do you like the most?" or "What's your talent?" are very non-effective since they themselves have no answer to that. I truly understand their condition because I've had the very same problem like that few months ago. Thanks God, He had shown me my interest in Fashion Business :)
I know there's nothing easy especially when you're getting older and getting closer to real world out there. It's your future you're betting here. Once you take a wrong step, everything will be different. No pressure :)
But I'm really serious here. There's no time to sit back and relax now. You are about to take the first steps to your whole future ahead. My only advice to you is, to really really dig deep inside yourself to find out who your truly self is. Browse a lot, observe much, try everything as long as you can. You are responsible for your own future and you can't make others choose what's best for you. There is no way God created you for nothing the day He made you. You have to be something if God have given you a chance to live now.
And for you who already know exactly what you want and having obstacles with it, I pray the best for you. Go for it, nothing can stop you from reaching your own future, it's YOUR life you're living now and tomorrow. Don't let go your dreams and interest where you're best at, you don't want to feel sorry for yourself in the future, do you? When God have given you something to be good at, HE must have plans for you with it.
And to conclude my sloppy blabbering, I found this great quote by John M. Richardson.
“When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.”
Which one are you?
See you in the good future!! :D